
Mobilité Innovante
des personnes, des biens et des machines

The IMobS3 Labex

The IMobS3 "Laboratoire d'Excellence" (for "Innovative Mobility : Smart and Sustainable Solutions") aims to develop efficient and environmentally aware technological bricks for an innovative mobility of people, goods and machines by playing on the triptych "Research - Education - Promotion".

The IMobS3 LabEx is supported by 4 establishments present in Clermont site (the new Clermont Auvergne University - project leader, CNRS, INRAE and Cerema. It is based on the multidisciplinary and complementary skills of eight laboratories (ACTé, DLCF-Cerema, LAPSCO, LIMOS, LMBP, ICCF, Pascal Institute, TSCF-INRAE) placed under the supervision of these institutions often in the form of mixed research units.

In February 2017, the Clermont University community obtained the label I-Site "Initiatives - Science - Innovation - Territories - Economy" with the project CAP 20-25. This label aims to structure the University thanks to the successes acquired during the Future Investment Programmes first call. LabEx IMobS3 is proving to be the International Research Center "Innovative transportation and production systems" cornerstone.